Clean Up Australia Day

Clean up Australia Day - Photo:istockphoto.comClean up Australia Day -

In former years the idea of keeping our neighbourhoods looking tidy, focused on putting our household rubbish in the bin to be taken ‘away,’ somewhere else to be dealt with. Over recent decades however, we have become increasingly aware that this is not enough, and that rapid and ongoing patterns of consumption across all sections of society is not sustainable for Earth.  We are also much more aware that immense piles of waste in waterways, oceans and landfills has devastating impacts on all forms of life. 

In 2020 the Missionary Society of St Columban in Fiji organized a Columban Eco-Challenge Project in response to Pope Francis’ call for ecological conversion; to see Earth as home for every form of life, for whom we need to take better care of.  The Eco-Challenge mobilized teams across Fiji under the theme of ‘Our World, Our Environment, and Our responsibility.’  The teams drew up action plans and carried out works such as cleaning up rivers and planting trees.  Be inspired to learn more about the Eco-Challenge Project and the wonderful work of the winning team here: Columban Eco-Challenge 2020 - YouTube

At times ecological problems can seem overwhelming, but Lent offers us an opportunity to be renewed in faith and inspired to deeper commitments to care for all of God’s creation. Pope Francis in his message for Lent 2021 says: “This Lenten journey, like the entire pilgrimage of the Christian life, is even now illumined by the light of the resurrection, which inspires the thoughts, attitudes and decisions of the followers of Christ.”

The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) offers opportunities to connect with others in reflections and actions during Lent 2021. The GCCM Lenten calendar has suggestions for ongoing ecological formation and taking steps to live more lightly on Earth. Laudato Si’ Lent: “Lent 2021: A Journey of Hope”. 

Pope Francis says:

“A constant flood of new consumer goods can baffle the heart and prevent us from cherishing each thing and each moment. To be serenely present to each reality, however small it may be, opens us to much greater horizons of understanding and personal fulfilment… In reality, those who enjoy more and live better each moment are those who have given up dipping here and there, always on the look-out for what they do not have… Even living on little, they can live a lot, above all when they cultivate other pleasures and find satisfaction in fraternal encounters, in service, in developing their gifts, in music and art, in contact with nature, in prayer. Happiness means knowing how to limit some needs which only diminish us, and being open to the many different possibilities which life can offer.”  Laudato Si’ #222, #223

This coming Sunday March 7th is Clean-Up Australia Day. Let us be encouraged by our faith to respond to the calls of our time. 


Q. How do I feel about a throw-away culture?

Q. How can I take further steps to produce less waste? To re-think, reduce, re-use, re-purpose and re-pair things?

Q. How can I be a sign of hope in the areas of influence in my community and networks? 

“Let ours be a time remembered for awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.” - Earth Charter.


2024 Columban Art Calendar

Code : 180



Calendar Dimensions: 220mm (W) x 320mm (H)

1 Calendar $10.00 Special Offer: Buy more than one Calendar and pay $8.00 for each additional one. 

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