Earth Hour - March 27, 2021

Earth Hour takes place on Saturday, March 27 from 8:30-9:30pm (local time) when we are invited to switch off electricity as a symbolic gesture of solidarity to show support for the future of peoples and planet and the switch to a renewables-based economy.  Earth Hour is a worldwide movement, and you can find out more about how to get involved, including other ideas for action, such as switching your ride or switching to solar here.  

Our current global realities are urging us to take heed, reflect, and act in ways that secure a safer future for all. Columban Rev Dr Charles Rue says, "Earth is a prophet now. We must learn to listen to God revealed in life in all its forms and respond." In our faith tradition, there is much to assist us as we notice the signs of our time.  God implores the peoples in Jeremiah to discern and make wise choices for life, "Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths: which was the good way? Take it, and you will find rest for yourselves." (Jer 6:16). God's desire is for our wellbeing and to know God's presence always.  In the Gospels, Jesus tells us, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."  (Jn 10:10).  

Catholic Social Teaching reminds us of core components relating to our rights and responsibilities in living an abundant, faithful life.   The principle of solidarity and the common good reminds us that we are one human family, and there is a need to act in ways that help build a better society for all. Today we are all the more aware of our responsibility to future generations in areas of justice, such as in the call for climate action. You can read here about the eight Australian teenagers, with their legal team who argue an extension to a NSW coal mine would breach a common law duty of care to protect younger people against future harm from a worsening climate crisis. They are currently being supported in court by Sr Brigid Arthur from Melbourne's Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project, who volunteered to be their litigation guardian. 

The unprecedented bushfire season over the summer of 2019/2020 is tangible evidence that we are experiencing the impacts of climate change in the here and now. Scientists have been urging us to take more action for decades.  The United Nations Inter-Parliamentary Report on Climate Change, approved by the world's governments in 2018, says reaching and sustaining net zero global anthropogenic emissions is necessary to limit global warming. This refers to emissions which are generated by human activity. (see attachment below). We can also be mindful that limiting global warming includes the whole supply chain and life-cycle of all the goods and services we consume. A 2018 report prepared by C40, which offers evidence-based research for climate action planning in cities, indicates this includes food, clothing, electronic items, construction and travel (see attachment below). There are many ways we can take steps to reduce our ecological footprint such as buying local and reducing waste. 

Did you know?

  • LED lights are energy efficient, using much less wattage than halogen or incandescent lighting contributing to a reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Shutting down your computer when not in use, not only saves power but improves efficiencies by enabling important updates when it is re-started.

The Columban Centre for Advocacy and Outreach is actively engaged in promoting deep care for creation and a Gospel commitment to peace that fosters a sense of inter-connectedness and solidarity with all living beings and all of creation.  You might like to check out the Columban Creation Covenant with four simple steps of prayer, education, daily commitments and advocacy as a helpful guide.

You might also like to join with others and sign up for training coming soon with Global Catholic Climate Movement on Pope Francis's Encyclical Laudato Si' and how to get more involved. 


Where is a special place in creation that you like to visit?  Go there in your mind’s eye.

As we journey into Holy Week, let us consider God's gift of creation.

"God looked at everything God made, and God found it very good." (Gen 1:31)

Let us consider our impact on Earth as we pray:

“Confront us, Creator God with the results of our treatment of the Earth. Disturb us with the science. Unsettle us with the global impact statistics. Enable us to change and walk gently on our common home. Assure us that every action counts. Amen.”

Sr Caroline Vaitkunas RSM is part of the Peace, Ecology & Justice Team at the Columban Mission Centre, Essendon.

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