Mickie Daly's Diary, November 1934


Dickie, Maurie, Billy and I are going to make a Visit every day for sure. We have promised. I asked Dacey to join, but he said be wouldn't join anything I'd made up. If a thing is good it should not matter who made it up. Croftie would not promise. He said he'd come some days, but he was not going to promise, because he might not keep It.

We are going to make a Visit of a quarter of an hour. The first part of our Visit will be to make reparashin for all the wickedness of the Reds and Communists and atheeists. The second part of our Visit will be for the Pope and every priest in the whole world, with a speshil share for the priests on forin mishions. We are not going to kneel near one another, because the devil gets busy when boys are together in the church. He tries to make them whisper, or he puts it into there heads to think of some silly thing, and makes them want to tell it to there naybarr, and then they get the giggles.

Now it would be a terribble thing if Catholic boys made a promise to make repparashin to Our Lord and then went and helped to insullt Him with the rest of the wicked people. Wouldn't it? It would be a great insullt if we whispered or giggled.
To gard against this, we are to kneel as far away from each other as the church will allow. I picked a corner near Father Dale's confeshinil- near the statue of Blessed Michael the Archangel. He has a sord, and the devil is at his feet. It is a nice, quiet corner, and you can see the Tabernacle quite plainly. I would rather kneel rite up in front near the sanctuary rale, but Dickie picked that place first. Besides, in this corner, people cannot see you. And if you did feel a bit sorry, and wanted to
rub a tear away on the quiet, no one would know anything about it.

It's a good possie.

I wish some boys who read my diery would make a Visit every day after school. After you've been making regular Visits for a while a quarter of an hour slips by like anything.


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