Mickie Daly's Diary, September 1935


A great day! What do you think? The postman brought me a big square envillope with 2 Chinese stamps in the corner-one brown and one green. In the other corner there was some Chinese writing, and in English: The Prefecture of Kienchangfu, Nancheng, Kiangsi, China. In the middle of the envillope was my name, Master Michael Daly.

A LETTER FROM DR. CLEARY. Jings! I was happy, I could not do a bit of school work. I was too excited. I got into orful rows, but I didn't care a bit. Sister Pawl was talking about nowns, but I could not follow her.

"Michael Daly, take that smile off your face and attend to me."

I didn't know I was smiling. I took out my hankerchief and wiped my lips. Sister Pawl went on again about common nowns-a lot of rubbish; no use on a Mission at all. The Chows won't want to know about common nowns. Get them tracking their sins will be better.

"Michael Daly, your mind is wandering". So it was. It was away over in Kiangsi. So would hers wander, if she had a letter from Dr. Cleary. But she hadn't. He wouldn't go writing to nuns. His time is too preshis.

A little while after, Dacey whispered: "What are you grinning at, Daly?"

"I'm not grinning," I said.

"Well you must have St. Vi Tis Dance in your top lip," he replied. At lunch-time I showed them the envillope: Dacey turned as green as the stamp; he is of a jellis nachure, I think. He said it was all a frameup; that it was an empty envillope. I showed them the letter, but would not let them read it. It is privit. I folded it over so that they could see, 'My dear Mickie'. Then I showed them Dr. Cleary's name at the end of the letter.

"Suppose you'll say it's a fourgeree, Dacey. Go on. Say it." He was too frightened to say it.

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