The Ascension - Yes Lord we believe!

Photo: Christi Himmelfahrt by Gebhard Fugel, c. 1893

Photo [cropped]: Christi Himmelfahrt by Gebhard Fugel, c. 1893 

On the 12th of April, 1961, Yuri Gargarin became the first man to journey into outer space. You might say that he ‘ascended into heaven’. He was reputed to have said that he looked and looked and didn’t see God. It was an important coup for Russian communism.

However, there is no indication in the official transcripts of his communications that he said these words and the statement is still disputed. Wikipedia informs us that he was a member of the Russian Orthodox Church. This comment was meant to be another nail in the coffin of belief in God.

Time passes, communism is no longer a force in the world even though the Chinese nation still gives a nod to their understanding of Marxist-Lenin philosophy. Meanwhile, St Matthew’s gospel finished with the last words from Jesus on earth: He gave his disciples authority to continue the mission by baptising all people in the name of the Trinity. He added that he would be with them always.

Those words are meant for us also. Centuries have passed and his mission of baptising people into the life of God and inviting us to live the forgiving life that Jesus did, continues to this day. We are a global Church today thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit among us leading and guiding us. Next week we celebrate the feast of Pentecost when the promise of Jesus to be with us always takes on a more vivid and joyful meaning. They are filled with the Spirit of God.

We can feel sorry for the apostles and disciples for being confused. St Matthew's gospel describes briefly a post-resurrection appearance to tell them to go in which he told the eleven travel to Galilee. There he met them and some worshipped him, though some doubted. What did they doubt? We are not told. in St John’s gospel, both Phillip and Thomas needed assurances as to what was happening: for Thomas, was Jesus alive and well? For Philip, where was Jesus going?

Now he had gone. He went from their midst as he said he would. What were they do? Where were they to go? They had been given authority to baptise all nations, but what did that mean? What did the doubters make of it all? Did they turn to Peter for direction and leadership?

Next week, the baptism of the Holy Spirit poured out on them makes them bold. As we move to the Acts of the Apostles we see that a dynamic community of Christian believers came into being proclaiming Jesus as Lord and spreading his reign on earth.

Back to Yuri Gargarin…The story goes that Nikita Khruschev, the Russian leader at that time asked Yuri in confidence if he did see God in outer space. Yuri said, “I did see God.” The Russian leader told him to keep the knowledge to himself. Then the Russian Orthodox leader sidled up beside him and asked the same question, ‘Did you see God up there?’Yuri answered, “No father, I did not see God.” He said in reply, ”Keep that to yourself. (It’s a joke).

Columban Fr Gary Walker is currently living at the Columban house in Sandgate, Brisbane.

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