7 Days of Creation, Scriptural Prayers and Reflection, Year C

Striving for Transformation in God

This resource offers a prayerful way for preparing to celebrate the 1st of September as the World Day of Prayer for Creation

7 days of creation reflection year c cover

Over 7 days this resource offers points for reflection and prayers based on Scripture. It encourages all people to commit to becoming gods (Jn 10:34), finding mystery in creation and transformation in God. Christians in particular have a vocation in Christ Jesus to proclaim this truth to the world. (LS 117).

In our time, the environmental challenge and quest for peace among nations confront us. Many people have grown tired of prophets of gloom and look for people with vision and imagination. Followers of Christ have a message that the process of transformation is more than survival. It is an odyssey for all creation into the glorious mystery of God.

Click here to download the resource.

Another useful resource from Columbans for Season of Creation:

A Catholic Season of Creation – Sundays of September (Year C)

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Fr Charles Rue
Email: charlesrue@columban.org.au


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St Gregory Nazianzus

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