Prayers of Hope in Times of Turmoil: A Catholic Season of Creation - Sundays of September (Year B)

Year B Season of Creation 2021

The Covid19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. Media reports on climate disasters have multiplied. But Pope Francis urges us to turn to Christ in our troubles and dream new things – to face new social, economic and ecological realities with prayers of hope for our journey. 

September has been designated by Christian churches as a Season of Creation. We are called to remember that Every Gift of Life on Earth displays God’s faithful presence, shedding light on our doubts, nourishing and strengthening us.  

The Resource has five two-page collections suggesting ways to read the traditional Sunday Scripture with eyes of integral ecology. Pope Francis coined the term. It sees God, Earth and Humanity bound together as one. Every sphere of life – ecological, economic, political, social – has a spiritual dimension and a springboard for prayer.  

Preparation is key to flow and tone of the liturgy and communal prayer. While the celebrant, like a good conductor, takes the lead in orchestrating the flow of the Mass, commentators, readers, composers of the Prayers of the Faithful, choirs, ushers, servers and those preparing the space all have important roles to play. 

In schools, teachers can adapt these suggestions into weekday liturgies to enlighten the journey of emerging young adults and their sense of calling to hone their abilities to serve an evolving new world. 

Download this Free Resource.

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St Gregory Nazianzus

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