Columban Vocations

Priestly Ordination of Columban Iowane Ilaidoko Naio

Priestly Ordination of Rev. Iowane Ilaidoko Naio, SSC | 10 April 2024   Join us on Livestream for the Priestly Ordination of Rev Iowane Ilaidoko Naio SSC on Wednesday, 10 April 2024, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Archdiocese of Suva. Read more

Columban Vocations

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Priestly Ordination of Columban Iowane Ilaidoko Naio
Join us on Livestream for the Priestly Ordination of Rev Iowane Ilaidoko…
Embracing the Columban Vocation & Mission - Joseph Seong Yoseob
The Kingdom of God is the mission field where I am the happiest. Columban…
Embracing the Columban Vocation & Mission - Ambrosio Shim Hong-Seok
Being a missionary is a really fascinating adventure. The Columbans…
Embracing the Columban Vocation & Mission - Joseph Park Yosup
I met Christ in the hearts of the parents who lost their children;…

2024 Columban Christmas Appeal

"Give something, however small, to the one in need.
For it is not small to one who has nothing."
St Gregory Nazianzus

Your donation, no matter the size, will address immediate needs and bring hope, love, and the light of Christ into the lives of those in countries where the Columbans work.