Embracing the Columban Vocation & Mission - Joseph Seong Yoseob

Embracing the Columban Vocation & Mission - Joseph Seong Yoseob  

The Kingdom of God is the mission field where I am the happiest. Columban culture is unique and very different because our motto is “Not ours but of Christ”. Our mission is not ours by God's. From this, I don't need to take up a lot of pressure. I can be free.

Feel inspired to explore your calling and embark on a divine journey? Share your thoughts in the comments or explore our vocation resources!: 

2024 Columban Christmas Appeal

"Give something, however small, to the one in need.
For it is not small to one who has nothing."
St Gregory Nazianzus

Your donation, no matter the size, will address immediate needs and bring hope, love, and the light of Christ into the lives of those in countries where the Columbans work.