E-News - Vol. 2 No. 4

From the Director - Just in time
In the 1970’s Fr Walter Buhlman published a book entitled ‘The Coming of the Third Church’. It caused a stir then and is reality today. (more)
An evening with Mrs Misho
Just as we were about to finish the meal, Mrs Misho looked at me and said, 'Jude, on behalf of the Japanese people, I am deeply sorry for the terrible things we did to your women.' (more)
Opinion - Vatican Academy to help save GM Foods
As always in this type of public relations, the plight of the poor and hungry is trotted out as the major concern of the Study Week and Biotech industry. This is a deception. (more)
Sold like a chicken
Sex trafficking doesn’t always involve midnight journeys in covered trucks, but comes with smooth talking job-recruiters promising decent work, moderate wages, a chance to travel and the possibility to help the family. (more)
Buried with strangers
One Sunday when the people arrived for Mass they found that the special bench had disappeared and the carpet spread at the doorway to welcome all. Roberto was putting some of his theology into action. (more)
Letting go
I think that not forgiving is always like taking poison hoping someone else will die. (more)
The Far East
The Far East magazine features articles and photographs by Columban missionaries from countries where missionaries work. The magazine in Australia was published for the first time on 15th October 1920. (more)
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