E-News - Vol. 4 No. 2

From the Director - Seeing danger where there is only difference
As a missionary I was struck by Gittins’ basic insight that in fearful situations emotional contact is always more powerful than rational argument. It is also most missionaries’ basic insight. (more)
Japan's nuclear distortion
Many Japanese also hold a strong suspicion of officials connected to the nuclear power industry because previous radiation leaks and other mistakes were either denied or downplayed only to be admitted much later. (more)
Future Generations will curse us, 2011
Collins calls for a spirit of openness to change our thinking and ways. This is in line with the mission encyclicals of Popes Paul VI and John Paul II who taught that dialogue is the new name for evangelization – openness, reaching out, witnessing, listening and appreciating. (more)
Murder in the name of religion
The murdered federal minister had defended Aasia Bibi who had been condemned to death on a charge of blasphemy because she refused to abandon her Christian faith and become a Muslim. (more)
Honest Arabs
Were I in his position I think I would have said, ‘Forget it. It’s not my fault anyway.’ But not my honest Arab driver. I felt deeply ashamed of my distrust. (more)
Reflection – Swept up in God
It seems to me that Anderson is on to something when he suggests that all the members of the Christian community (not just the priest) need to be able to identify themselves as celebrants. (more)
Video - Teachers walk the talk
Two teachers from St Christopher's, Airport West, Victoria visited Manuel Duato School for children with special needs and disabilities with a $28,000 donation that had been raised by children, parents and others associated with the project. (watch)