From the Director - The 'Word of God' The 'Word of God' has come to the Church through the child sexual abuse scandal; we are going to be humiliated and humbled for quite some time to come. (more) |
'AIDS Angels' They knew what it was to be ostracized; they too had felt the pain of being unwanted in society; they had suffered the stigma of having AIDS. (more) |
New Evangelisation in the context of the Royal Commission This crisis may force us to be humble and respectful. We have been taken down from the pedestal and freed from perfection and power, to know shame, to feel powerlessness and to share the anxieties, struggles and "sins" of our brothers and sisters. (more) |
Who's controlling the food chain? How come the law does no defend farmers, consumers and researchers? The simple answer is that legislators have succumbed to fear a fall in biotech share prices. (more) |
Linking ecologyand religion “Religion and science are different ways of approaching the same thing - revelation of what is!" (more) |
Reflection - Open the door of faith True faith is not adhering to a bulk of doctrine, but an encounter with a living person, Jesus. Now is the time to respond with all our hearts, with all our energies to his welcome.(more) |
Columban Calendar - Art Guide - February 2013 Mary stands prominently in the foreground, her blue-clad robe distinguishing her from others around her in their paler colours. Christ’s mother steps away from the other figures as she hands the Child to Simeon the High Priest of the Temple. (watch/listen) |
While fingers may be pointed at Philippine military it is more likely that the hired killer that parked his motor bike outside the house of father Pops on the morning of October 17, walked up to him and shot him point blank as he was getting into his car, had the mark of an experienced trained assassin.