E-News - Vol.10 No.2

From the Director -  A poor woman in Chile says...
She added that there is nothing worse than Christians who have lost their flavour; a Christian without the flavour of Jesus and the gospel is merely going through the motions. (more)
Working in mixed teams
“A parish priest, even today, can unilaterally dismiss the parish council. And many did. Many have.” Such attitudes and practices have cut us clerics off... (more)
Fukushima update
Columban Fr Paul McCartin writes a report of his recent visit to the site of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which occurred on March 11, 2011, as a result of an earthquake and tsunami. (more)
Poppies and Pain
More Kachin people have died from drug-related problems than from armed conflict, as the number of users has increased radically over the years of conflict since 2011. (more)
Reflection - Why is that day called ‘Good’ Friday?
One boy put up his hand and asked, “Why is the day on which Jesus was killed called ‘Good’ Friday? Surely it was a ‘Bad’ Friday.” (more)
Ten things everyone needs to know about Islam Ten things everyone needs to know about Islam
This 36-page booklet provides an excellent introduction to Islam for schools, parishes, homes and offices. Written by John L. Esposito. (more)