Message from Myanmar

Message from Myanmar

The founder of *Mandalay Higher Education Centre [HEC], Columban Fr Neil Magill recently sent this message to his students and Columban benefactors.

As we look back on the academic year which will soon end we give thanks to God, our benefactors, staff, students and alumni for a very successful year.

Next month our third year class of 34 will graduate and I believe we have sown the seeds of hope in them as well as giving them a good intellectual and spiritual foundation.

For the next academic year I hope we can accept/accommodate another 50 first years bringing our total over the three years to 130.

I believe that the bright laughter and joyful singing of young people is a true measure of St Columban’s health. The HEC is a happy, healthy and safe place.

To our graduates and present students I say:

You have opportunities, in your families and communities to interact with other young people who haven’t had the chance to get a further education.

Small acts of caring can help refresh and replenish a young heart who feels uncared for.

Live your dream and fear not."

Message from Myanmar

Fr Magill went on to thank Columban benefactors for their very generous help and said that they are making a great difference.

Fr Neil Magill 

Columban Fr Neil Magill has worked in Korea, on the General Council in Ireland and now works in Myanmar. *He founded the Mandalay Higher Education Centre [HEC] 9 years ago. He acquired an old building [103 years old] which had been used as a place for lepers to live for many decades. He saw it as a possibility to start a Higher Education Centre. It was in bad repair and thanks to friends back home in Ireland and Columban supporters he was able to fundraise to renovate the building which opened in 2009 with 30 students. 

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2025 Columban Art Calendar

Code : 180



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