
eBulletin - Vol 13 No. 8


From the Director - Stay in touch

In a time of pandemic, the message is not about touch but about not touching. It is about self-isolation and staying at home. The result is that…
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Human trafficking is a global challenge

The eight teenagers are slowly recovering from trauma and discovering that they are good, have rights and dignity and a better future. With therapy…
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A place to learn, heal and play

The Association of St Bernadette has been supporting children suffering from neglect and abuse in northern Lima since 1996. St Bernadette's has…
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Reflection - Beams of love

In the Reflection, Beams of love, Columban Sr Abbie O'Sullivan tells of how our love for God is present in everyday life and how our love for…
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Prendy was a blessing to us

In the last 10 months while Paul was confined to the Centre House in Lima with cancer, we also became confined by the pandemic, he was a blessing…
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Meet a Columban - Marjorie Engcoy

Regional Director of Oceania Fr Trevor Trotter SSC speaks with Marjorie Engcoy. She is originally from the Philippines and has been a lay missionary…
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2021 Columban Catholic Art Calendar

The Columban Art Calendar is an iconic Catholic Calendar, well-known for its traditional religious paintings and liturgical information and is…
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2024 Columban Christmas Appeal

"Give something, however small, to the one in need.
For it is not small to one who has nothing."
St Gregory Nazianzus

Your donation, no matter the size, will address immediate needs and bring hope, love, and the light of Christ into the lives of those in countries where the Columbans work.