
eBulletin - Vol 14 No. 2


What it means to be Australian?

I have been very aware that a lot of my attention over the last few months has been drawn to the questions around what it means to be Australian?…
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Fratelli Tutti - A vision that is all-encompassing

Columban Fr Warren Kinne comments on the Encyclical Letter, Fratelli Tutti of the Holy Father Francis on fraternity and social friendship.
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The Easter joy and hope of a Chinese Bishop

During my second visit, the bishop shared with me a little of his experience in detention and prison. In 1965, at the age of forty-two, the bishop…
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Twin Columban missionaries

When God started prodding my heart, I began wrestling with God. It took me a while to figure out if my desire to be a missionary and join the…
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Humankind invited into covenant kindness

Father, Son and Holy Spirit all help us carry forward the noble mission of inviting all mankind and womankind to practise covenant kindness.…
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A step back in time - Columban Art Calendar

Take a step back into the history of the Columban Art Calendar, celebrating 100 years. See the changes in design, art selection, trends and much…
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2022 Columban Art Calendar - PRE-ORDER

Pre-Order the 100-year edition of the iconic Columban Art Calendar
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Building Hope

2024 Columban Mid-Year Appeal

Support the Columban Mid-Year Appeal, and together, we can expand our reach, deepen our impact, and empower more individuals and communities to thrive. We thank you for your unwavering dedication and belief in the power of humanity to make a difference.