
eBulletin - Vol 15 No. 3 - March 2022




God and the Floods

The compassion of the Sikhs struck me, along with their bright turbans. Here are young men wanting to do something to help, so they drove all…
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Lent is a time of spiritual preparation

Wondering why he had not done so earlier, he decided there and then to put them in the garbage can. However, as he picked up the towel and looked…
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A second chance to live

The young boy carried Anna on his back thinking that she was already probably dead! With a stroke of luck, Anna was successfully revived by the…
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A visit to a village with a Christian history of over 270 years

In many areas of China, tracing the roots of the Christian faith back to a particular family is a standard part of the church's life. The influence…
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World Water Day

Some of the most populated areas of the world where Columban missionaries live and minister have the poorest freshwater supplies. Water poverty…
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Witness for Peace

As Christians and people of goodwill, we must be actively involved with those who raise their voices in protest on this crucial issue of our…
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2022 Columban Mid-Year Appeal

Support the Columban Mid-Year Appeal to contribute to our work amongst the poorer people in our neighbouring countries recovering from major…
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