2023 Season of Creation School Competition Winners

2023 Season of Creation School Competition Winners Video Entry and Zoom  

The Columban Mission Centre in Essendon congratulates Year 12 science students of Xavier College in Ba, Fiji for their winning entry to the 2023 Columban Season of Creation school competition in the Upper Secondary school category reflecting on the theme, ‘Let justice and peace flow.’ In their video submission, the Year 12 students demonstrate leadership by drawing on their creativity and learnings to advance new ways of closing the loop by repurposing waste that shows respect for Earth's resources and commitment to restoring justice and peace between humans and all creation. The Season of Creation is a special time each year that brings people together in collaboration. In his messages, Pope Francis invites the gifts and talents of everyone to help reshape the future, and especially encourages the hopes and visions of the young. Support for everyone across the generations is a vital part. The Year 12 Xavier College student winners and school staff recently took part in a presentation and conversation with John Din, the Columban Peace, Ecology and Justice Coordinator in the Philippines to celebrate their win. Congratulations Year 12 science students of Xavier College, Ba Fiji!

Sr Caroline Vaitkunas RSM
Peace, Ecology and Justice Office
Columban Mission Centre, Essendon

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Comments (1)

  1. James Trewby:
    Oct 18, 2023 at 07:38 PM

    Congratulations to all involved - encouraging and inspirational!


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