Christmas and the struggle of migrants and refugees in Chile

Columban Fr Daniel Harding blesses migrants during the inauguration and blessing of the San Columbano Shelter and the Migrant Hall. Photo: Columbans Chile

Columban Fr Daniel Harding blesses migrants during the inauguration and blessing of the San Columbano Shelter and the Migrant Hall. Photo: Columbans Chile

Christmas is an exceptional occasion for our Migrant Ministry in Chile. As we remember, there was no welcome for Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem except in a stable; many of our migrants and refugees have no place to stay when they arrive in Chile.

In 2023, more than 100 migrants from 6 countries were given short-term accommodation in our two Migrant Houses. We offer a place to become established in their new country. We remember that the Holy Family, like many of our migrants and refugees, were persecuted in their own countries and were forced to flee.

The Columban Migrant Ministry is part of an extensive migrant network in Chile involving many church and secular organizations, government agencies and the social departments of various embassies.

During 2023, this includes important links with the following migrant organizations:

  • INCAMI - the Catholic Migrant Institute, which sends us migrants in need of accommodation and offers us donations of food and clothing;
  • The Foundation Madre Josefa for a series of work-related formation workshops;
  • The Colectiva Manifiesta, which also sends us potential residents;
  • The Policlinic Obispo Enrique Alvear offers support for drug and alcohol addictions and prevention programmes, and the Diploma Programme from Red Clamor, which is offered as a response to the large flow of migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean.

As we opened our hearts and received the birth of Jesus at Christmas, our God Incarnate, God with us, let us continue in the new year to open our hearts to the millions of migrants and refugees across the world to welcome and support them as sisters and brothers, always remembering Joseph, Mary and Jesus. They were also migrants and refugees. When we welcome migrants and refugees, we welcome Jesus, who is present in them.

Columban Fr Daniel Harding is the parish priest of San Columbano parish, Santiago, Chile.

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St Gregory Nazianzus

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