The Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October) is a special time in the liturgical year of the church. It is a celebration of God's loving-kindness expressed in the outpouring of God's own self in creation. As one segment of that loving creation, the Season of Creation is an opportunity for us to express our gratitude to God for the gift of God’s creation and to renew our commitment to caring for Earth – our common home.
This year St Columbans Mission Society invited primary and secondary school students to participate in our first Season of Creation competition.
Primary school students were invited to reflect on this year’s theme 'Listen to the Voice of Creation' and submit a drawing, or piece of writing, on the questions: How do you listen to the voice of creation? What do you see and what do you hear? Do you have a favourite place in nature?
Secondary school students were invited to also reflect on the further question: How does your faith and personal experience lead you to action in caring for Earth - our common home?
In this issue of the Peace, Ecology and Justice eBulletin we share with you a collection of the pieces of writing and drawings submitted by our secondary and primary school students. In the next eBulletin further submissions will be shared.
We would like to thank all the students who participated in the Season of Creation School Competition. Certificates of Appreciation will be sent to each student by the end of September and THE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED.
Related links
- Read more from the current Columban PEJ eBulletin