Photo: Hazel Angwani
There is a saying that goes, “A picture speaks a thousand words.” When I took this photo of a woman in one of the villages where we Columban Missionaries minister, I was trying to find the right words to describe the scene. In the end, all I wanted to do was to show my great admiration for the Tribal women here. They are strong, resilient, hard-working and caring. I am always thankful for being able to witness a glimpse of their daily lives. This is my
100-word story on Tribal women:
She was cooking tomatoes
when I approached her outside the house.
She stood up and smiled,
and shook my hand with a grip.
I asked her how she was,
and she replied that she’s fine.
She made me sit on the charpai,*
and her kids sat around me.
While I was talking with the children,
I took out my phone and took her photo.
And she was happy when I showed it to her.
*Stringed bed
Columban lay missionary Hazel Angwani, Pakistan Mission Unit.
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- Read more from The Far East - September 2021