
Fr Sean McDonagh SSC attends Laudato Si’ Conference at the Vatican in 2016. Fr Sean is an Irish Columban Missionary and Ecological Theologian who was involved in the drafting Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home”.

Columbans in Ireland is a collaborative effort between the Columban Fathers, Columban Sisters and Lay Missionaries who through a variety of ministries respond to God's mission:

  • Mission Outreach including: Vocations, Parishes, Programmes, Ecology and Education.
  • Mission Awareness and Fundraising: Columbans in Ireland visit their parishes to promote mission and support, inviting readership to the Irish The Far East Magazine.
  • Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation (JPIC): Promotion of justice, peace and environmental justice work.
  • Migrant Rights Centre.
  • Immigration Apostolate.
  • Irish Missionary Union (IMU).
  • Seminary Formation.
  • Adult Catechesis.
  • World Mission.
  • Retreat Work.

In 2016, Irish Columban Missionary and Ecological Theologian, Fr Sean McDonagh SSC was in attendance at the Laudato Si’ Conference at the Vatican and was one of those involved in the drafting of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home.

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