Words don't come easily

Updates from Columbans Frs Pat O'Donoghue and Brian Gore on the Philippines disaster.

Words don't come easily
Source: Flickr, Nove foto da Firenze

Columban Fr Pat O'Donoghue

Firstly, my sincere thanks to all of you who, either personally or together as a region, have emailed or phoned to let us know that you are in solidarity with us and the people of the Philippines as they struggle once more to deal with a devastating calamity.

All Columbans are safe. Though there were some side effects of the typhoon in some Columban areas, the full force of the typhoon hit places that we have never been in, such as Samar and Leyte.

I have experienced a number of natural disasters over my years here and seen the immediate effects of others but I have never seen the extent of the destruction caused by Haiyan.

Now, relief operations seem to be gaining traction. It was heartbreaking to see images of people begging for help and those who were most willing to help unable to do anything because they were unable to get to the places most affected.

As we do not have any presence in these areas, our help will be given to those who are and whom we trust to channel it to where most needed.  We have already given donations to the Association of Major Religious Superiors who have people on the ground in some of the most desperate areas.  

I want to thank all those who have pledged donations for the victims and on behalf of all Columbans in the region, my thanks again to all of you for your concern and prayers.  It is truly and deeply appreciated.


Fr Pat O’Donoghue  
Regional Director, Philippines

Words don't come easily
Source: Flickr, Nove foto da Firenze

Columban Fr Brian Gore

Words don’t come easily when trying to describe the effects of typhoon Yolanda on the people caught in the path of this super typhoon. In recorded history there has never been such a powerful typhoon to hit landfall.

We feel helpless and have been numbed by the pictures on our TVs at the destruction it has wrought on the people of Leyte and others caught in its path.

Let us open our hearts to those now in need but, as importantly, open our minds to the destruction of the natural systems that support and give life to our world, and let us do something about it.

Fr Brian Gore is the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Co-ordinator in Negros Occidental, Philippines.

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