
Columban Fr Peter O'Neill stands at cente for refugees and migrants.

There are both women and men who serve in the Columban Taiwan Mission Unit. Among them are ordained Columban Fathers, Lay Missionaries and Seminarians. We give importance to learning the local language (Mandarin, Taiwanese and other dialects) as we work with and alongside various groups of community. Our current mission priorities are ministry among:

  • Migrant workers.
  • Victims of human trafficking.
  • Immigrants and their families.
  • Indigenous peoples in the Taian Parish, Hsinchu Diocese.
  • Disadvantaged infants, children and youth.
  • People living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
  • Mentally and developmentally challenged individuals.
  • Recovering alcoholics.

Our Ministry is based in three Migrant Centres of the Hsinchu Diocese:

  • Hsinchu Migrants and Immigrants Service Center (HMISC)
  • Hope Workers’ Centre (HWC)
  • Vietnamese Migrant Workers and Foreign Brides Office (VMWBO)

Columban missionary, Fr Peter O'Neill is the Diocesan Migrant Chaplain and Coordinator of the Hsinchu Catholic Diocese Migrants and Immigrants Service Centre, which has grown over recent years to meet an unfortunate increase in the number of people trafficked into the country for labour and illegal sex work. The diocese now runs five shelters for trafficked people and abused migrant workers.

Dialogue and partnership is our way of being on mission. We share administrative responsibilities and work together as equal members of the Columban Taiwan Mission Unit. We meet regularly for mission meetings, meals and sharing of stories as our way of learning and supporting one another.

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Building Hope

2024 Columban Mid-Year Appeal

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