United States

Fr Kevin Mullins SSC with parish locals from the Corpus Christi Parish, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

The United States headquarters for the Missionary Society of St Columban, located in Nebraska (south of Omaha), includes the Columban Fathers residency, a chapel and the Mission Office (Columban Centre for Advocacy & Outreach).

Issues and current priorities in the United States region include:

  • Migration: Economic Migrants and U.S. Immigration.
  • Economic Justice: Trade and Debt.
  • Environmental Justice: Water, Climate Change, Genetically Modified Organisms and Extractive Industries.
  • Peace & Reconciliation: Lomas de Poleo, U.S. Military Issues and Indigenous Rights.

In partnership we:

  • Help end poverty through educating, feeding and caring for the poor to help them end their poverty.
  • Cross boundaries of culture and promote interfaith dialogue between peoples of different religions to help build vibrant and peaceful faith communities.
  • Care for the sick who cannot afford medical care.

To read more about the Columban Fathers work in the United States region please visit: www.columban.org

Columban Fathers United States - Facebook Follow the Columban Fathers in the United States:

Columban Centre for Advocacy & Outreach

The Columban Centre for Advocacy and Outreach (CCAO) is the national advocacy office for the Missionary Society of St Columban. The office serves as the line of communication between Columban Missionaries serving in 15 countries around the world and policy makers in Washington D.C. Our mission is to work towards a more just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world by engaging in the political process guided by our faith and the Gospel.

The CCAO welcomes you to the Columban Mission in a variety of ways, including internships, volunteer work and exposure trips. Be transformed by living with and serving people and communities who are most vulnerable to social, economic and environmental injustices. Join us on mission for five days, five months or a lifetime.

For more information about the CCAO visit www.columbancenter.org or contact the Centre directly on email: ccaoprograms@columban.org.

Columban Missionaries United States - Facebook 

Follow the Columban Centre for Advocacy & Outreach:

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