Our Invitation

From the high Andean tablelands of Peru to the Thar Parkar Desert in Pakistan, from the islands of Fiji  and the Philippines, to the industrial cities of China, South Korea and Japan, Columban Missionaries around the world, in the countries where we work, are deeply aware that ‘’the harvest is plentiful”. Yet, it is the Lord of the harvest who prepares and calls labourers into his harvest.

We invite single young Catholic men to become a labourer in God’s harvest with us, for those:

  • Who feel that God’s life plan for them is to give their lives as a Columban missionary priest.
  • Who feel the desire to begin an exodus away from their present life towards a more Christ centred life, lived out as a missionary priest.
  • Who want to grow in holiness through following Christ in the poor, in a broken, sinful and divided world.
  • Who try to live in accordance with the Catholic faith and teachings and participate in the life of the Church.
  • Who are in their twenties or early to mid-thirties.
  • Who enjoy good physical and mental health.
  • Who have at least completed secondary education.
  • Who are willing and able to give themselves to ongoing education and formation.

Contact us

columban-fr-kelvin-barrettFr Kelvin Barrett
Vocations Contact

Street Address
69 Woodland Street
Essendon VIC 3040

Postal Address
Columban Mission Centre
PO Box 752
Niddrie VIC 3042

Phone: +61 3 9375 9475
Fax: +61 3 9379 6040
Email: vocations@columban.org.au

Building Hope

2024 Columban Mid-Year Appeal

Support the Columban Mid-Year Appeal, and together, we can expand our reach, deepen our impact, and empower more individuals and communities to thrive. We thank you for your unwavering dedication and belief in the power of humanity to make a difference.