International Women’s Day March 8th

There have been many challenges for women during COVID-19 - Photo:bigstock.comThere have been many challenges for women during COVID-19 -

International Women’s Day is held annually on March 8th and has been recognized since 1911.  Its aim is to celebrate women’s social, cultural and political achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality and lobby for change.  The International Women's Day 2021 theme is ‘Choose to Challenge,’ and asks organizations and communities everywhere to act towards achieving a gender equal world.   

Across the globe there are many amazing stories of creative leadership that contribute to more just and equitable communities, and are examples that can inspire us all.  One such woman is Columban Lay Missionary Marjorie Engcoy, who leads the Sema Livelihood Program in Fiji.  The aim of the program is to advance practical and eco-friendly income and livelihood opportunities for unemployed women.  The Fijian word Sema means ‘to connect’ and the project is an opportunity for women to connect with each other, nature and their community.  To celebrate International Women’s Day in 2020, Sema held its first exhibit of handmade products in a local parish.  (International JPIC Newsletter Economic Justice Volume 1 March 2020).  You can hear Marjorie being interviewed by Columban Fr Trevor Trotter; Regional Director of Oceania about her wonderful work in Fiji in Meet a Columban - Marjorie Engcoy - St Columbans Mission Society.

Along with celebrating the achievements of women, International Women’s Day also states that ‘a challenged world is an alert world.’  Back here in Australia; The Good Shepherd Services report “Understanding the impacts of Covid-19 on Vulnerable Australians” calls out gender-based inequalities that have been exacerbated during the pandemic.  The report states these inequalities have been evidenced by the higher rates of women to men who have been pushed out of the labour force, leading to further disparities in women’s financial security and more hardship.  In addition, the report also tragically states the pandemic has put women at even greater risk of violence in their own homes.   The Good Shepherd Service has been called to respond to the marked increase of requests for support with adaptability and collaboration. 

Further examples of gender-based hardship exacerbated by the pandemic are outlined in the January 2021 article of medical journal The Lancet; ‘Covid vaccines and women’s security.’  (see link below). The article refers to the significant concern for the safety of health-care workers and immunization teams, most of whom are female, in many parts of the world at this time.

Accordingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) Vaccine Equity Declaration 2021 calls for urgent action to protect the heavily female gendered healthcare workforce worldwide at the forefront of vaccination programs.  The declaration calls for the rapid administration of vaccines in every country “as a symbol of hope for overcoming both the pandemic and the inequalities that lie at the root of so many global health challenges.”

Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), the peak body for Catholic Leaders of Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life resident in Australia, supports the call of WHO for the equitable distribution of vaccines around the globe, particularly to developing nations (see link below).


- Picking up the theme of International Women’s Day 2021 “Choose to Challenge” where do you see issues of gender inequality and how might you be called to step-up? 

- Who are the women in your life or on your family tree whom you celebrate?  What are the values that underpin their lives that inspire, motivate and support you?

- There are many courageous women in our scriptures and faith tradition who reveal God’s loving presence and call us through the storms in life to live with dignity, confidence and hope, and to use our gifts and talents in our life commitments.    
  Who are some of the women of faith who nurture your journey? 

- You might like to look up The Great Green Wall (see link below) an awe-inspiring initiative that supports many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including gender equality, acting to stop global warming and reducing poverty. 

- Wear something purple, green and white; the colours of International Women's Day! 

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