World Environment Day 5th June

World Environment Day - June 5 -

Each year World Environment Day raises up various pathways to transformative action to heal our planetary home.

Columban missionaries in Britain have recently completed a four-day Columban Way Pilgrimage following in the footsteps of St Columban who travelled through Cornwall on his way to Europe over fourteen hundred years ago. Throughout the ages Christians have embarked on pilgrimages to pray, reflect deeply and be open to new life. 

James Trewby, Columban Justice and Peace Coordinator and Education Worker in Britain says, “I have friendships with Columban missionaries around the world, including many who work on the front line of environmental crises.” The Columban Way Pilgrimage offered Columban missionaries, co-workers and supporters wherever they live and serve, a time of prayer and solidarity to inspire ongoing commitment in God’s healing mission for people and all creation.  

Amy Echeverria, the International Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Coordinator for St Columbans Mission Society offered this beautiful prayer: 

God of life,
You love the universe into being, let us give praise.
You embrace the world without distinctions, let us give thanks.
You call humanity to incarnate your tenderness, let us live accordingly.
You endow all creation with your divine beauty and wisdom, let us acknowledge.
You forgive all trespasses, let us learn your ways.
You grace us unconditionally, let us receive humbly.
You are our hope, let us remember.



Sr Caroline Vaitkunas RSM
Peace, Ecology and Justice Office
Columban Mission Centre, Essendon





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