Open to conversion, renewal and reform?Feb 22, 2021
Columban Fr Warren Kinne writes in response to one of the six National Themes for Discernment of the Plenary Council - "How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is open to Conversion, renewal and reform?" Read more
A joyful, hope-filled & servant Community?Dec 15, 2020
Columban Fr Warren Kinne writes in response to one of the six National Themes for Discernment of the Plenary Council - "How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is a joyful, hope-filled and servant community?" Read more
Humble, Healing & Merciful?Nov 24, 2020
Columban Fr Warren Kinne writes in response to one of the six National Themes for Discernment of the Plenary Council - "How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is Humble, Healing & Merciful?." Read more
A Church that is inclusive, participatory and synodalAug 18, 2020
Today who might be the outcasts? I guess the repentant paedophiles would be there; Muslims in high rises; aboriginals having a relaxed ale on the road-side; lesbians seeking baptism or an exchange of vows in the Church. Read more
A Church that is Missionary and EvangelizingJun 15, 2020
Columban Fr Warren Kinne reflects on first of the six National Themes for Discernment of the Plenary Council 2020. A Missionary and Evangelizing Church is a topic close to my heart and for the past 57 years. Read more
Why another phase of discernment?Oct 28, 2019
Recently I received an email asking why, if we had identified all the themes, we need another phase of discernment. There are several reasons for having this second discernment stage. Read more
A unique resource for the Australian ChurchOct 28, 2019
We know the church is not a democracy, but neither should it be a dictatorship. It works best when, as Cardinal Newman says, the magisterium and the people “breathe together”. Read more
Only those who have needed mercy can truly show mercyMar 20, 2019
The weeks since Cardinal Pell’s conviction have been difficult in our preparations for the Plenary Council. In that time, I have attended two planning sessions both of which included opportunities to pray and share our prayer. Read more
To speak boldly, but to listen humblyFeb 14, 2019
The goal of the Plenary Council is not to end up with a church with perfect structures, good as that might be, but to become more of a joyous, missionary church, and a poor church with and for the poor. Only then will we be Christlike and convincing to our secular brothers and sisters in Australia. Read more
We need a missionary rather than a perfect churchJan 24, 2019
Mission is God’s project and we are not the main actors. The church is neither the starting point nor the end point but rather the servant and sacrament of God’s mission. Read more
All I want for ChristmasDec 19, 2018
Everyone searches for the good, the true and the beautiful. These desires are deeply human. We Christians have always stressed truth and goodness, but beauty is usually not as highly valued. Read more
The Kingdom WithinNov 21, 2018
People who have not been encouraged to speak up for decades, will probably speak clumsily, angrily or shallowly the first time around. It is only over time that we eventually learn what we most deeply want to say. Read more
Realising the dream of Vatican IIOct 24, 2018
The most fundamental Christian calling is baptism and all the baptised share in Christ’s prophetic, priestly and kingly offices. [LG #10-13] To highlight this, Pope Francis recently said, “This tells us that no one in the Church is useless… we are all necessary for building the Temple. No one is secondary. Read more
When we meet in Adelaide we will be restoring a long-standing traditionMay 24, 2018
This time at least one third of the delegates will be lay people. It will also have world significance as Australia will be the first country to hold a Plenary Council with an open agenda. It will be watched by Churches all around the world. Read more
Have we too much in our heads to hear the Holy Spirit?Apr 18, 2018
The early Christians could not rely on the past and they didn’t have clear instructions from Jesus. They didn’t even have Paul’s Epistles or the Gospels which were yet to be written. They had to read the signs of the times and trust in the Spirit. Read more
"The biggest crisis in our history"Mar 24, 2018
This is also a key goal of the Plenary Council 2020. To learn how to become a synodal church where mission, ministry, leadership and decision making are shared across the whole “faithful, people of God”. Read more
Preparing for the Plenary Council 2020Feb 15, 2018
Pope Francis is convinced that it is by listening to one another that we listen to God and that “open and fraternal debate makes theological and pastoral thought grow”. He is also convinced in the power of face-to-face encounter. Read more