Lenten Reflection - A story is a powerful tool

A story is a powerful tool. They are the vehicle we use to relate important truths about the world, ourselves, our place in the scheme of things, and God.

Floral Cross

The seasons of Lent and Easter occur each year, and we remember all that Our Lord Jesus Christ did for us. We do this through the Church's liturgy and become familiar with the symbols of water, light, and fire – basic elements of life - which inform our faith. We also gather our own Easter stories expressing faith in the Risen Lord. It is like remembering good times with family or friends, precious memories we carry throughout our lives.

These memories may be preserved in The Far East magazine's annals but are still alive and fresh, full of joy.

So my first Easter in Jamaica was in a little town called Lucea on the northern coastline of Jamaica. On Friday afternoon, I was in the church for no particular reason when my gaze fell on the Cross. This was a big heavy Cross that the congregation passed overhead around the Church congregation. It was an effort and meant to be. 

People wanted to carry that Cross with Jesus. I noticed that the Cross was different; little plastic strands were all over the Cross holding small pockets where you could shove something. I considered pulling them off the Cross, but it was none of my business. When we came to sing the Gloria, things happened! A couple of people emerged from the sacristy with buckets of flowers and proceeded to fill those little plastic pockets with flowers and greenery.

What an extraordinary performance! Within the time it took for the choir to sing out the Easter Gloria, the plain wooden Cross was transformed into a beautiful 'flower tree' of Easter symbols. The congregation had this action as part of their local Easter tradition. Each year they did it, and each year was wonderful, but the first time I saw it was so special.

The Easter joy followed the pain and struggle of Good Friday. For the people who were the instigators of this liturgical bonanza, Emmy and Jolie, it reminded them of home, their first home, the Philippines. They were agronomists in the Philippines who opposed the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. They were warned their lives were on a 'hit' list for opposing the president so they fled their country and finally settled in Jamaica. They grew exotic flowers for a local business with markets in North America and Europe. I hope they have prospered. I thank them for the story they gave me, a faithful Easter present.

Some years later, I was in Pakistan in the parish of Badin, run by the Columban Fathers. We were standing around the Easter fire in the ground, buffeted by a cold wine. The priest told me another local Easter story.

On Holy Saturday night some years before, a young man saw a large crowd going through an entrance and followed to find out what was happening. It turned out that this was an entrance to the Catholic compound, and people were arriving for the Holy Thursday ceremonies. He stood there looking around, he had no idea what was going on when a man came up to him and took him by the hand and led him to a place and told him to stand there, which he did.

Without knowing it he had been choosing to have his feet washed by the priest. He went home and told the family he was going to become a Catholic! They were stunned by this sudden and significant decision and asked him to explain. He said, "I went into this place and the master of the house washed my feet. It must be the true religion."

Columban Fr Gary Walker is currently living in Brisbane.

2024 Columban Art Calendar

Code : 180



Calendar Dimensions: 220mm (W) x 320mm (H)

1 Calendar $10.00 Special Offer: Buy more than one Calendar and pay $8.00 for each additional one. 

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