Columban Art Calendar - Art Guide 2015

Columban - Art Guide - 2015 Columban Art Calendar  

Art Guide Resource

Columbans have produced a beautiful and in-depth Art Guide that introduces each painting featured in the 2015 Calendar. The Art Guide has been compiled by Claire Renkin, well-known Art Historian and Lecturer at Yarra Theological Union and recorded by Geraldine Doogue, Australian Journalist, Radio and Television Host. Music by Chris Zabriskie ( Artworks © Bridgeman Images.

About the Columban Art Calendar

2015 is the 93rd edition of the Columban Art Calendar, an iconic Catholic Calendar well-known for its traditional religious paintings and liturgical information. The Columban Art Calendar is a popular part of Catholic life in Australian and New Zealand homes and is a major fundraiser for Columban Missionaries.