From the Director - God makes 'the new' possible It was a time of optimism - the Church was acting in a new way in a changing world. Now fifty years later, the Catholic Church is being pulled and pushed from within and treated with disdain from without. (more) |
We think our health system is tough! Columban Fr Dan O'Malley is the Parish Priest of Malate, Philippines. There are 25,000 parishioners in the parish who have little access to health care. Fr Dan reports. (more) |
Driving towards ethnic harmony This story demonstrated that while the language of caste may not be used much nowadays in Pakistan, the prejudice and discrimination it embodies are still very much part of people’s daily reality. (more) |
Feast Day - 24 May (Our Lady) Mary Help of Christians The Feast day for (Our Lady) Mary Help of Christians has been celebrated in Australia since 1844 but the history to this day dates back to the start of the 1800's. (more) |
Mini-Parliment of the World's Religions A Mini-Parliament of the World’s Religions brought together representatives of eight different religions/spiritualities - Aboriginal, Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh. (more) |
Global Warming: Between calamity and hope These stories break the myth, the lie, about the public not wanting any regulations to address global warming. (more) |
Reflection - Are you a Bartimaeus? To tell people, “Pray and the problem will go away” isn’t gospel ministry. That would be like the crowd in Jericho telling Bartimaeus to keep silent. (more) |
CHILDREN'S PRAYER BOOK: Making the Sign of the Cross A 16 page booklet teaching children how to make the Sign of the Cross. Watch a video glimpse. (more) |
While fingers may be pointed at Philippine military it is more likely that the hired killer that parked his motor bike outside the house of father Pops on the morning of October 17, walked up to him and shot him point blank as he was getting into his car, had the mark of an experienced trained assassin.