Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) brings together young adults (18-35) from different religions to have a voice and a vote in shaping our multicultural, multi-religious society. Their gatherings generate a welcoming, friendly atmosphere where young adults can discuss contemporary issues and make shared commitments. This positive experience of interfaith encounter breaks down fears, prejudices and stereotypes, and builds social cohesion for our multi-religious society.
Youth PoWR is coordinated by a Committee of young adults from different religions who volunteer their time and their passion. They are nominated by peak state and national religious bodies, or past and present team members. Together they plan, promote and host Youth PoWR events, where inspiring young speakers challenge the audience and performers provide entertainment. The events are energetic, dynamic and PoWRful!
The inaugural Youth PoWR was held in 2015. Since then, hundreds of young adults across Sydney have gathered together, meeting their peers from different faiths, and building mutual respect, understanding and cooperation.
Youth PoWR’s most recent achievement is The Sydney Statement, an inspirational and practical interfaith charter for “Building Bridges Between Believers from Different Religions”. Over two years, Youth PoWR generated the content, approved the text, and authorised its publication. It was officially launched in March 2021.
Youth PoWR is an interfaith initiative of the Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations and is supported by Multicultural NSW.
Check out Youth PoWR’s Facebook and Instagram page for more details on events and how you can get involved!