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Stand in solidarity with Columban Peacemakers

(left) Columban Fr Pat Cunningham supports peace protestors on Jeju Island, Korea

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" (Matthew 5:9)

Join us in expressing solidarity with peacemakers from JeJu Island in Korea, and Okinawa, in Japan, who are calling for the ongoing protection of Okinawa, the surrounding islands, and the entire Asia-Pacific region from expanded militarization which threatens all of Creation.

We invite you to read the Columban JPIC petition of solidarity to join their call for the protection of Okinawa, the surrounding islands, and the Asia-Pacific region, from expanding militarization which makes peace in the region more fragile, and harms the natural environment.

Both communities know the trauma of war and the value of peace.

On Jeju Island, Korea, Columban missionaries and residents of the island call for an end to the construction of a naval base there. They are concerned about the Base's environmental impact and see it as a US-driven project aimed at China, rather than enhancing South Korean defense.

In Okinawa, Japan, the people there live with one of the largest U.S.military operations in Asia. Nearly 20,000 Marines are based there, along with one of the U.S. Air Force’s largest overseas airfields. On top of this, Japanese Prime Minister Abe is promoting legislation to reinterpret Article 9 of the Constitution, to turn away from pacifism and expand Japan’s military operations to support U.S. interests in the region. Just last month, an estimated 120,000 people gathered in Tokyo to protest this drastic change and more than 200 rallies took place across Japan.

Catholic bishops in Korea and in Japan have campaigned for years against expanding militarization and called for actions that support a more inclusive and lasting peace.

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