
The Far East - April 2012



Cover image

The Far East magazine is published by St Columban's Mission Society. It features articles and photographs by Columban missionaries from those countries where the missionaries work. The magazine was launched originally to promote mission interest in Catholic homes in Australia and New Zealand. The Far East magazine in Australia was published for the first time on 15th October 1920 and sample copies were sent to every parish and school in Australia and New Zealand.

From the Director - Electric moment

‘Electric moment’ is what I imagined Mary experienced at the tomb when she realised that Jesus was not the gardener but the Lord. more

Editorial - Faith and courage

Easter is a time for us to think about the faith and courage of the Columbans and the people they work with. more

No lack of talent

Some of the parishioners joked that I wouldn’t make it to the summit and should quit while I was ahead. more

What shapes evangelisation?

Through the RCIA the spiritual life of Korean Catholics and their parishes grew as the Scriptures and God’s presence in the world came alive for them. more

Reflection - Faith is stronger than fear

Pakistani Catholics flock to the ceremonies on Good Friday. more

Life is not quite like that

Hers was a hard life but she never became a hard woman, but was she tough! - tough and loving. more

The great poverty divide

Blessed are the responsible well off rich people, the Zacchaeus people of this world who are enlightened and see the social and human reality and are determined to use their influence and resources to change it for the better. more

Hospital visit

He assured me that I need not be nervous of my local hospital; ‘They are my students so it’s OK,’ he said! more

Mission World - April, 2012

Columbans, other missionaries in Korea, and the actor Robert Redford are all supporting a campaign by villagers in Korea to save their island paradise from being turned into a military base. more

Honorary Fellow

Fr Pat McInerney acknowledged for his work. more

Credit for the Poor

Kazama Grameen is a project aimed at the rural poor that provides loans to help start small businesses and provide families with livelihood projects. more

Nightmare of the trafficked

Pakistan’s highest civilian award given to Fr Robert McCulloch. more

The River Jordan is polluted

Because of its association with the Baptism of Jesus, the River Jordan is probably the best known river in the world. more

The Far East subscription

Subscribe to The Far East magazine. more